Inherits: ECDSAServiceManagerBase, Vault
Manages bridge operations and attestation validations
Extends ECDSAServiceManagerBase and Vault for bridging and staking functionality
State Variables
Tracks bridge requests that this operator has responded to once to avoid duplications
Double attestations would technically be valid and allow operators to recursively call until funds are released
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public operatorResponses;
Tracks the total operator weight attested to a bridge request
Helpful for determining when enough attestations have been collected to release funds.
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public bridgeRequestWeights;
Initializes the contract with the necessary addresses and parameters
address _avsDirectory,
address _stakeRegistry,
address _rewardsCoordinator,
address _delegationManager,
uint256 _crankGasCost,
uint256 _AVSReward,
uint256 _bridgeFee,
string memory _name,
string memory _version
ECDSAServiceManagerBase(_avsDirectory, _stakeRegistry, _rewardsCoordinator, _delegationManager)
Vault(_crankGasCost, _AVSReward, _bridgeFee, _name, _version);
Name | Type | Description |
_avsDirectory | address | The address of the AVS directory contract, managing AVS-related data for registered operators |
_stakeRegistry | address | The address of the stake registry contract, managing registration and stake recording |
_rewardsCoordinator | address | The address of the rewards coordinator contract, handling rewards distributions |
_delegationManager | address | The address of the delegation manager contract, managing staker delegations to operators |
_crankGasCost | uint256 | The estimated gas cost for calling release funds, used to calculate rebate and incentivize users to call |
_AVSReward | uint256 | The total reward for AVS attestation |
_bridgeFee | uint256 | The total fee charged to the user for bridging |
_name | string | The name of the contract, used for EIP-712 domain construction |
_version | string | The version of the contract, used for EIP-712 domain construction |
Ensures that only registered operators can call the function
modifier onlyOperator();
Rewards the operator for providing a valid attestation
Placeholder for actual AVS reward distribution pending Eigen M2 implementation
function rewardAttestation(address operator) internal;
Name | Type | Description |
operator | address | The address of the operator to be rewarded |
Publishes an attestation for a bridge request
function publishAttestation(bytes memory attestation, uint256 _bridgeRequestId) public nonReentrant onlyOperator;
Name | Type | Description |
attestation | bytes | The signed attestation |
_bridgeRequestId | uint256 | The ID of the bridge request |
Slashes a malicious attestor's stake
Placeholder for slashing logic pending Eigen implementations
function slashMaliciousAttestor(address operator, uint256 penalty) internal;
Name | Type | Description |
operator | address | The address of the operator to be slashed |
penalty | uint256 | The penalty amount to be slashed |
Challenges a potentially fraudulent attestation
function challengeAttestation(
bytes memory fraudulentSignature,
Structs.BridgeRequestData memory fraudulentBridgeRequest
) public nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
fraudulentSignature | bytes | The signature of the fraudulent attestation |
fraudulentBridgeRequest | Structs.BridgeRequestData | The data of the fraudulent bridge request |
Payouts the crank gas cost to the caller
function payoutCrankGasCost() internal;
Releases funds to the destination address
function _releaseFunds(bytes memory data) public override nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
data | bytes | The bridge request data and signatures |
Releases funds to the destination address with typed data for ABI construction
function releaseFunds(bytes[] memory signatures, Structs.BridgeRequestData memory data) public nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
signatures | bytes[] | The signatures of the operators attesting to the bridge request |
data | Structs.BridgeRequestData | The bridge request data |
Checks if the operator has the minimum required weight
function operatorHasMinimumWeight(address operator) public view returns (bool);
Name | Type | Description |
operator | address | The address of the operator |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bool | True if the operator has the minimum weight, false otherwise |
Gets the weight of an operator
function getOperatorWeight(address operator) public view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
operator | address | The address of the operator |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The weight of the operator |
Fallback function to receive ether
receive() external payable;